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Bobbie Grennier

Bobbie Grennier – Live-streaming Classroom Teacher & Edtech Podcaster

Hi, I’m Bobbie Grennier and I enjoy sharing my passion for quality educational projects, and lessons that engage students and are fun to teach. I began my journey in educational technology when I purchased one of the first Apple computers to come off the production line; model number one. I still have it as a reminder of how amazing this journey has been.

I began my career in education over 35 years ago before the beginning of the Internet was ever a thing. I taught public school for ten years and then, I moved into Technology where I experienced the gambit of the Silicon Valley tech explosion and what a fantastic learning platform it was. Today I am older, and I’ve returned to my first love of teaching in the classroom where I can implement my technical background and make a difference in young lives and hopefully a few older ones too.

I have been immersed in the evolution of technology as a teacher ever since the Internet went public. I have a strong belief that we need to teach students how to use technology effectively as a tool to enhance their learning and their future.

Follow me on Twitter @bobbiegrennier.

My websites:
BobbieGrennier.com – All about me, plus resources too.
EDUlivestream.com – Live streaming for educators.
ComputerbasedLearning.org – Helpful lessons and resources for teachers.
3-5 Math Teacher Website
Classroom Management Resources
Artificial Intelligence Resources for Teachers



Currently teaching for the Pajaro Valley Unified School District.

innovative teacher of the year 2020   PVUSD 2022 Innovator of the Year Award
